Highway 99 is the main route south from Vancouver to the USA. Shutting down two lanes of traffic for an extended period of time would be a disaster for this highway. And that’s exactly what BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (BC MoTI) officials were thinking when a large sink hole suddenly appeared due to a failed culvert.
Temporary CSP insert manufactured and on site within two days
Our Technical Sales Representative was already working on a nearby site with a contractor when they received an urgent call from BC MoTI to come right away. They jumped in the truck and headed to the site as the sink hole kept growing. Once there, the contractor quickly installed some temporary braces so traffic could resume. Our Armstong, BC, pipe mill was activated to have a temporary 2 m Corrugated Steel Pipe insert on site within two days — ready to be slip-lined into place, until a more permanent solution could be worked out.
AIL immediately began working with BC MoTI to come up with a quick permanent solution using a Bolt-A-Plate Pipe Arch. MRC Total Build was hired to install the new culvert and join it to the existing culvert under the other lanes.
Associated Engineering did the structural design for both the new culvert and its connection to the existing culvert. A Field Engineer from AIL assisted MRC Total Build with reviewing the backfill gradation and visiting the site during construction to provide technical support for the plate assembly and backfilling processes.
BC MoTI, MRC Total Build and Associated Engineering were all very pleased with AIL’s speedy responses and viable solutions.
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