In Marystown, NL a series of smaller culverts on a tidal crossing had washed out a few times over the last decade, incurring substantial repair costs each time. The Town needed a better solution capable of handling the extreme flows and being installed quickly between tides.
Box Culvert assembled on site for quick placement
A Dur-A-Span Structural Aluminum Plate Box Culvert with full invert, scour protection plates and matching headwalls/wingwalls was the preferred option for corrosion/abrasion-resistance, improved hydraulics and expediency. This drastically reduced the amount of time the contractor would be dealing with tidal issues.
Challenges with de-watering the tidal area and tight backfill windows between tides led us to pre-assemble the structure adjacent to the site and quickly lift it into place during low tide. Once the culvert was in place, the installation and backfilling of the pre-built headwalls and wingwalls began immediately. The entire project took just six days.
We worked with the consultant from the concept stage in 2010 to construction in 2013, so we were well aware of their needs and there were no extra costs incurred during construction.
“We worked hand-in-hand with AIL from concept stage to completion of construction. AIL was very professional and helpful during the whole process. We look forward to working with them again in the future and recommend AIL to anybody in the industry for similar projects”
— Craig Moore, Branch Manager, exp.
The owner was very pleased with both the hydraulics and the aesthetics of the new culvert.
“The Town of Marystown is very pleased with the new installation. To this point, there has been at least one occasion where the new box culvert has flowed to capacity, but did not overtop, so it is doing what it was designed to do. Besides the functionality, the town is also very pleased with the aesthetics of the box culvert; the aluminum wing walls look really good.”
— Dennis Kelly, CAO, Town of Marystown