
See how others have saved time and money with AIL solutions. Filter projects by sector, application or product using these dropdown menus.

Value Engineering

There are 7 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects


There are 85 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects

Public Works

There are 35 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects


There are 11 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects


There are 35 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects

Mining & Energy

There are 25 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects


There are 5 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects


There are 19 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects


There are 19 more projects in this category.

Load Remaining Projects

The AIL Group of Companies

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