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- AIL to open new pipe manufacturing plant in Sackville, New Brunswick. New job openings available.
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- Special offer now on for 4″ and 6″ Hi-Flo HDPE Uno-Flex Single Wall Pipe.
- Special offer now on for Hi-Flo HDPE Pipe.
- Taking action on our Sustainability Policy
- The AIL Acadia Scholarship
- The AIL Group Accessibility Policy Statement of Commitment
- The AIL Group Sustainability Policy Statement of Commitment
- Wildlife Crossings and Fish Passages
- Vehicular Bridges (ES)
- Spiral Seam Duct
- Guiderail System
- Structure-Mounted Solutions
- AIL Sound Walls
- Steel Sheet Piling
- Bolt-A-Bin Walls
- MSE Wire Walls
- MSE Precast Panel Walls
- STORMAWAY Stormwater Management Systems
- Hi-Flo Smoothwall Spiral Rib Pipe
- Corrugated Aluminum Pipe
- Corrugated Steel Pipe
- Golf Course Bridges
- Portable Detour Bridges
- Modular Panel Bridges
- Vehicular Truss Bridges
- Vehicular Modular Bridges
- Pedestrian/Trail Bridges
- Signature Bridges
- Best-Kote Buried Bridge Coating
- AIL Geotextile Reinforced Soil (GRS) Bridges
- Dur-A-Span Structural Aluminum Plate
- Bolt-A-Plate Structural Steel Plate
- Super-Cor Structural Steel Plate
- Ultra-Cor Structural Steel Plate
- AIL’s Premium Galvanized Window Wells
- Hi-Flo HDPE Uno Flex / Uno Flex HD – Single Wall Pipe
- Hi-Flo HDPE Duo – Double Wall Pipe
- Hi-Flo HDPE Duo Tite – Bell End Double Wall Pipe
- AIL Silt Fence and Geotextiles
- Two-Flange Tunnel Liner Plate
- Bowater chooses Super-Cor Box Culverts for forestry roads
- Temporary and permanent walls make the most of a tight spot
- AIL builds solid foundation for wind power project
- Innovative crusher wall installation avoids extra costs
- MSE Retaining Walls figure in major Vancouver area transportation link
- Super-Cor in the high-tech foreground
- AIL designs strong, economical, green solution for heavy haul road
- Super-Cor supports one of Canada’s major transportation hubs
- Super-Cor Arch gets busy Toronto street back to peak flow quickly
- AIL engineers build world’s largest corrugated arch
- No road or rail traffic interruptions for Super-Cor heavy haul road arch installation
- Our team gets “between a rock and a hard place” to help widen infamous highway for 2010 Games
- 25 MSE Structural Walls for Edmonton mega-project
- Largest Dur-A-Span Box Culvert recently installed in Ontario
- AIL’s wildlife crossings making Banff highways safer
- AIL’s MSE Retaining Walls System takes the lead on Antigonish Bypass
- Dur-A-Span used to create concrete form liner for shaft
- Springhill bridge abutment is first Canadian installation to use AIL’s new Grid-Strip Soil Reinforcement System
- Bolt-A-Plate makes ‘Whale’ of a difference in Nova Scotia project
- Ontario reline sees the light with Dur-A-Span
- Urgent bridge replacement: from site prep to first train in 120 days
- AIL acts quickly to provide solution for highway washout
- MSE Retaining Walls arrive in record time for Edmonton freeway
- AIL’s NEW Best-Kote provides strong finish in Quebec stream crossing
- Super-Cor Structural Plate and MSE Wire Walls stand tall in “Windy Valley” mine site
- AIL designs North America’s largest structural plate stockpile tunnel
- Super-Cor structures add another layer of protection in “The Fort”
- Oil sands wildlife underpass supports heavy loads
- City of Ottawa chooses AIL Sound Walls over concrete alternative
- Tight site calls for two-stage construction
- Ultra-Cor breaks new ground in Corner Brook, NL
- MSE Retaining Walls help meet tight deadline in Mission Valley, BC
- AIL Sound Walls land at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport
- Dur-A-Span reline solution keeps Alaska Highway running
- STORMAWAY System helps BC grocer stay green
- New Grid-Strip System simplifies Calgary bridge abutments
- Dur-A-Span Box Culverts keep low profile in Ontario project
- AIL and MSE Precast Panel Walls rise to challenges in Banff National Park TCH twinning project
- AIL designs and supplies Quebec’s largest wire-faced crusher wall
- Kennedy GO Station goes with AIL Sound Walls
- Multi-partner team keeps Maine crossing out of a Jam
- Fast replacement gets displaced residents home early
- Super-Cor rail overpass makes a grand entrance at Nebraska facility
- In-stock Atlantic Arch saves the day in BC washout
- Quebec culvert reline good for traffic and budget
- Sound Walls integrate with traffic barriers on I-95 bridge
- Steel bridge easier and less costly than its concrete twin
- Five Super-Cor tunnels help reposition world’s largest copper mine
- Culvert replacement upgrades to Dur-A-Span aluminum fish passage
- Modular Bridge: From truck to abutments in 30 minutes!
- BC recreation/wildlife underpass; eight-day plate assembly
- Four-day delivery aids CN’s urgent washout replacement
- MSE-wall-mounted sound barrier installs in just two days
- Bolt-A-Plate/Best-Kote solution chosen for high cover, aggressive environment
- Twin Dur-A-Span Aluminum Box Culverts used in NL tidal zone
- Salmon Arm development uses second STORMAWAY system
- Bolt-A-Plate Arches connect islands in Calgary community
- Four-Flange Structural Liner gives Guatemalan vent raise “THE EDGE”
- Trail bridges hike up to 1 km into remote sites in Alberta flood recovery
- Dur-A-Span box culvert drops in between tides to fix washouts
- Replacement GRS Bridge installs in just six days
- Modular Bridge with Bolt-A-Bin Abutments beats concrete options
- Three new bridges support the Fort’s golfers
- Oil sands heavy haul road bridge installs quickly
- NBDTI chooses AIL aluminum for large coastal culvert
- Quick solution makes for happy campers in BC
- NL town installs six Box Culverts over 24 years
- Super•Cor Box Culvert replaces BC bridge, relieves flooding
- MSE Retaining Wall abutments support new Kelowna, BC overpass
- Super-Cor Box, MSE Retaining Walls team up on NL bridge replacement
- Custom MSE Retaining Walls play supporting role in new Calgary LRT station
- AIL steps up on NB washouts from severe weather events
- Super-Cor Boxes better for Butterpot Park environment
- Century-old, deep-cover railway culvert completely replaced in a weekend
- BC emergency crossing engineered for flooding and settlement needs
- Lightweight AIL Sound Walls used in Houston METRORail expansion
- 180 m Algerian rail tunnel completed by AIL Group Licensee
- Value Engineered Super-Cor solution sways NSTIR off concrete spec
- Versatile MSE Retaining Walls show their stuff in Calgary West LRT project
- Nimble AIL Sound Walls quiet a multi-purpose rail corridor
- Bolt-A-Plate with Best-Kote best choice for Muskoka culverts
- Contractor sells Kelowna on AIL’s economical bridging alternative
- Manitoba First Nation celebrates new lifeline in their community
- Emergency solution part of rush culvert replacement on BC’s Highway 99
- Traffic keeps rolling as BC GRS Bridge installs in just eight days
- Unique Hampton, NB truss bridge arches over double-stack trains
- In-stock aluminum arch, precast footings accelerate BC washout fix
- Sound Barrier integrates with existing LRT guideway in BC
- AIL, MSE Retaining Walls and Grid-Strips go to great lengths on Edmonton interchange project
- Ontario project ‘good-to-go’ for over 75 years with Best-Kote
- Polymer-Coated Box Culvert replaces failing NL concrete bridge
- Trail bridge/abutment package restores Calgary washout
- Rapid response maintains factory spur line in Nova Scotia
- Eastern Ontario township chooses Super-Cor for the sixth time
- GRS technology, polymer coating benefit BC MoTI replacement
- “The Big Pipe” that was made and delivered in 24 hours for Cape Breton washout
- GRS fish passage is first project completed through national conservation program
- Custom Super-Cor Box Culvert bumps concrete alternative and saves Ontario town 20%
- Bridge connects historic Alberta trail system for Canada’s 150th
- Dur-A-Span Aluminum corrosion resistant culverts shine in BC’s lower mainland
- Economical GRS Wire Walls part of Super-Cor bridge replacement
- Bolt-A-Plate stream crossing used for pipeline’s temporary construction access route
- MSE Retaining Walls with Grid-Strip perfect solution for complex New Brunswick bridge abutments
- Seven Bolt-A-Plate culverts provide floodplain relief on Courtenay connector
- Super-Cor portal takes the long way to northern Quebec diamond mine
- Spliced design, precast deck help expedite remote Alberta Park bridge
- Corrosion/abrasion-resistant Dur-A-Span selected for NBDTI project
- Potash mine rail tunnel is first installation using our patented bevel reinforcement
- MSE Retaining Walls cover all the angles in Calgary’s TCH/Bowfort Interchange
- Innovative slab footings help AIL Sound Walls slip into shallow, narrow site in Richmond, BC
- Super-Cor Box Culvert reconnects NL T’Railway after major washout
- Dur•A•Span Aluminum Box Culvert perfect solution for NL bridge replacement
- Standing behind our veterans in Okotoks, Alberta Memorial
- Thunder Bay chooses Super-Cor Box Culvert with Best-Kote
- Large order of Bolt-A-Bin and CSP readied quickly for Nunavut
- Bolt-A-Bin best for Baffin bridge abutments
- Bridge provides access to Alaskan mine reclamation
- Speedy installation keeps haul road project on track
- Twin Bolt-A-Plate manway/vent shafts now sailing to Northern Quebec
- Bridge/Abutment packages barge in to remote Alaskan site
- Super-Cor Box Culvert fits into GTA township’s park just fine
- AIL’s MSE Retaining Wall Systems partner up in two Saskatoon interchanges
- Pedestrian Bridge anchors canal “daylighting” project in Dartmouth, NS
- Bolt-A-Plate Culvert ready for Northern BC extremes
- AIL’s MSE Retaining Walls feature in MTO Highway 401 widening project
- AIL Sound Walls replace deteriorated wooden noise barrier along Toronto LRT line
- Large GRS Bridge perfect solution for Northern Alberta access road
- Corrugated Steel Pipe order sea-ships to Rankin Inlet for mine road construction
- Double Dur-A-Span Culverts readied quickly for NB highway washout
- Large culverts quickly replace Alberta bridge in tight late-fall window
- Pedestrian Bridge focal point of Airdrie, Alberta community
- Quick Bolt-A-Plate culverts keep TCH running through Ontario town
- AIL’s Super-Cor and MSE Retaining Walls team up on one of Calgary’s new luxurious community developments
- AIL’s MSE Retaining Walls part of Montreal’s Turcot interchange upgrade
- Flexible thinking helps extend existing Super-Cor Box Culvert
- Bridge connects Okotoks water treatment plant and makes park pathways barrier-free
- AIL’s Super-Cor and MSE Retaining Walls support CFB Gagetown military base
- AIL’s innovative Ultra-Cor used in Guinness-World-Record-breaking Dubai project
- Welded Lockseam Corrugated Steel Pipe called for on Yukon’s Alaska Highway
- Versatile Bolt-A-Plate used for backwalls in NWT bridge projects
- AIL Geotextile Reinforced Soil (GRS) Bridge perfect for northern BC stream crossing
- Kelowna GRS Bridge ready in time for spring freshet flows
- “One Team” collaborative approach syncs Calgary’s Crowchild Trail retaining wall project
- Value engineered composite backfill makes big difference on Super-Cor grade separation in PEI
- AIL Sound Walls piloted along one of Calgary’s busiest thoroughfares
- Five large Polymer-Laminated CSP Culverts underway for MTQ
- Partially coated Bolt-A-Plate best solution for BC MoTI culvert replacement
- Bolt-A-Plate and Steel Sheet Piling create an efficient solution on Yukon Highway 4 culvert project
- Best-Kote Box Culvert best choice for St. John’s stream crossing
- Large NL TCH culvert replacement takes just four days with pre-assembled Bolt-A-Plate solution
- Montréal area bridge ramp features AIL’s MSE Retaining Walls with full-height panels
- AIL GRS Bridge replaces narrow resource road girder bridge, improves road width and alignment
- AIL and Algonquin Bridge team up on NSTIR’s East River Bridge replacement project
- Buried bridge with GRS headwalls and backfill only half the cost of traditional span bridge
- AIL’s MSE Retaining Walls create access ramp for the dismantling of Montreal’s old Champlain Bridge
- AIL value engineers Polymer‐Coated Super-Cor Arch and MSE Wall package for NSTIR’s railway tunnel project at Windsor, NS
- AIL’s Bolt-A-Plate is the go-to culvert replacement option for northern Alberta project
- AIL’s Corrugated Steel Pipe used as support pier caissons in Montréal’s REM light metro project
- Northern Quebec mine chooses Ultra-Cor for haul road stream crossing
- Wide-mouthed Bolt-A-Plate Pipe Arch culvert replacement makes a safer connection in West Kelowna
- AIL’s Polymer-Coated Bolt-A-Plate relines GTA culvert and avoids full replacement cost, hassles
- AIL’s value engineering proposal moves culvert replacement project off concrete and saves $150,000
- Edmonton pedestrian bridge travels down narrow trail, rolls across old bridge for installation
- Super-Cor portal is the latest of many AIL Mining structures for the Canadian Malartic Mine
- Silent Protector noise barrier wall quiets CN Rail line for Lake Zurich, Illinois residents
- AIL’s Super-Cor with MSE Precast Panel Walls selected for more NSTIR 100 Series highway crossings
- Super-Cor Box Culvert replaces failing concrete structure on TCH near Port aux Basques, NL
- Large Super-Cor Box Culvert replaces three washed-out culverts on James Bay resource road
- AIL speeds up Yukon Bolt-A-Plate culvert with efficient Grid-Strip-reinforced Bolt-A-Plate headwalls
- Fort McMurray golf course bridge replacement installed with an excavator and a tow truck
- New Jersey logistics center saves with value engineered AIL Sound Walls solution with 16′ post spacing
- Packaged solution makes AIL Sound Walls the best choice for University of Florida Health project
- AIL team expedites Polymer-Coated Bolt-A-Plate culvert to meet Brandon’s accelerated schedule
- AIL Sound Walls protect First Nation community from highway noise in Campbell River, BC
- Bolt-A-Plate and MSE Precast Panel Walls featured in Calgary’s Sarcee Trail interchange
- Super-Cor Box Culvert “has the chops” in Mutton Bay, NL bridge replacement
- Another of our two-stage Super-Cor / MSE Wall solutions chosen for an NSTIR twinning project
- AIL Sound Wall curves around pandemic field hospital equipment in Ottawa, Ontario
- Corrugated Steel Pipes make fast, economical bridge-replacement solution for small Saskatchewan municipality
- Optimized MSE Precast Panel Wall design makes a more economical solution for TCH overpass in Salmon Arm West, BC
- Another NL coastal community goes with long-lasting Dur-A-Span for culvert replacement project
- Multiple AIL products used on large design-build connector road project in Kelowna, BC
- Bolt-A-Plate creates economical, resilient and sustainable solution for Mission, BC
- Super-Cor Box provides more climate change washout resilience in BC culvert-replacement project
- Dur-A-Span GRS Bridge provides added resilience in North Saanich, BC washout replacement
- AIL debuts innovative MSE Precast Panel Wall imaging technique on Calgary Airport Trail interchange
- Second deployment of PEI’s Modular Bridge System serves as detour bridge during Morell River replacement project
- Dorchester team steps up on replacement culverts for major washouts in Dundee, Cape Breton
- Ultra-Cor Buried Metal Bridge to support heavier Leopard 2 Tank and Transporter live loads on CFB Gagetown stream crossing
- 115 m Bolt-A-Plate culvert ships and installs easily for Yukon’s Klondike Highway 2 project
- Super-Cor GRS Bridge provides wider, safer roadway and increased flood resilience in Kelowna replacement
- AIL’s innovations in manufacturing and assembly techniques save five days on Alberta Super-Cor project
- New Ultra-Cor wildlife overpass near Canmore, Alberta, expected to dramatically reduce collisions
- Ultra-Cor and Bolt-A-Plate team up on multi-use crossing for residential development in Ladysmith, BC
- AIL Geotextile Reinforced Soil (GRS) Bridge replaces suspended culverts, restores fish passage on Alberta creek
- Ultra-Cor arch will be used in the new Galway/TCH interchange near St. John’s, NL
- Pre-assembled Bolt-A-Plate Arch with precast concrete footings and headwalls accelerates late-fall BC installation
- Super-Cor Box Culvert with Best-Kote Buried Bridge Coating provides +75-year solution for Quebec municipality
- Twin Bolt-A-Plate Rounds with Best-Kote Coating ideal for MTQ’s remote, deep-cover project
- NBDTI retaining wall project shows versatility of AIL’s MSE Wire Walls with Track-Strip Soil Reinforcement
- Kelowna Bolt-A-Plate fish passage installation less baffling with AIL Rep’s on-site assistance
- Resilient features help protect East River Bridge during Nova Scotia’s unprecedented flooding event of July 2023
- AIL Geotextile Reinforced Soil (GRS) Bridge restores flood-damaged roadway and fish passage in Port Alberni, BC
- Super-Cor Box with Best-Kote Coating costs 60% less than concrete box in Ontario municipality’s replacement project
- NBDTI rehab project uses Bolt-A-Plate extensions to help extend life of aging culvert near Moncton, NB
- Super-Cor Box with Best-Kote provides resilient and sustainable replacement to reconnect rural NS development
- CSP tunnel will provide skiers safe passage under new road at Crabbe Mountain, NB
- Twin Bolt-A-Plate Rounds with partial Best-Kote coating and step-bevelled ends chosen for James Bay replacement project
- AIL’s Bolt-A-Bin abutments part of Algonquin Bridge packaged solution for remote NB forestry road
- AIL’s Two-Flange Tunnel Liner Plate rehabilitates Australian mine safety tunnel without disrupting active utility lines
- Manitoba Hydro goes with a reinforced Super-Cor stream crossing to withstand Hudson Bay ice flow forces
- Multi-Product Bridge & Infrastructure Brochure
- Ultra-Cor Brochure
- Super-Cor Brochure
- Bolt-A-Plate Brochure
- Dur-A-Span Brochure
- Best-Kote Brochure
- Geotextile Reinforced Soil Bridges Brochure
- Corrugated Steel Pipe Brochure
- STORMAWAY Stormwater Management Brochure
- Ultra-Cor Product Video
- Barrington River Trail Bridge
- Pedestrian Bridge Installs Quickly
- Time-Lapse Video: Eight-Day Bolt-A-Plate Assembly
- Time-Lapse Video: Large CN culvert completely replaced in a weekend
- Time-Lapse Video: From Site Prep to First Train in 120 Days
- Modular Panel Bridge Cantilevered Launch, Berthierville, QC
- MSE Retaining Wall Systems Brochure
- Bolt-A-Bin Brochure
- AIL Sound Walls Brochure
- AIL Sound Walls Installation Video
- Graffiti-Resistant AIL Sound Walls
- Spiral Seam Duct Brochure
- Rail Infrastructure Solutions
- Guiderail Brochure
- GRS Soil Bridge Technical Drawings
- Handbook of Steel Drainage & Highway Construction Products
- Installation Manual for Corrugated Steel Drainage Structures
- Performance Guideline for Corrugated Steel Pipe Culverts
- Field Repair of Polymer Laminate Barrier Coating Brochure
- AIL Credit Application
- Efficient Mine Site Solutions
- AIL Premium Galvanized Window Wells Brochure
- Official opening of record-breaking Ultra•Cor bridge in Dubai
- AIL’s Ultra•Cor used in record-breaking Dubai project
- Project Profile: AIL’s innovative Ultra•Cor used in record-breaking Dubai project
- Algonquin Bridge Connecting Communities Brochure
- Efficient Transportation Infrastructure Solutions
- Pedestrian Bridge with MSE Retaining Wall Abutments, Victoria, BC
- Modular Panel Bridge crane lift install, Kawartha Lakes, ON
- Super•Cor Arch – Structural Plate, Station Road Bridge
- Super-Cor Arch with GRS Headwalls, Vancouver Island
- Bolt-A-Plate Pipe Arches provide flood relief near Courtenay, BC
- Kieley Brook Buried Bridge, Ingramport, Nova Scotia
- Citimark / Highway 91 Sound Barrier Wall, Richmond, BC
- Super-Cor Arch Buried Bridge, East River, NS
- Dur-A-Span Aluminum Culvert, Jonathan Creek, NB
- Super-Cor Structural Steel Plate Culvert, Fox Creek, NB
- Super-Cor Arch Grade Separation, TCH at Baltic Road, PE
- Super-Cor Arch Grade Separation, TCH at Linwood Road, PE
- Super-Cor Arches create grade separations at Penobsquis, NB
- Super-Cor Arch highway underpass at Passekeag, NB
- Super-Cor stream crossing at Porter Brook, NB
- Super-Cor Box Culvert in Kelowna BC
- AIL’s Premium Galvanized Window Wells Video
- Bolt-A-Plate Recreational Trail Highway Underpass
- Corrugated Steel Pipe vs Reinforced Concrete Pipe – Carbon Footprint Calculator
- Hi-Flo Smoothwall Spiral Rib Pipe Brochure
- Two-stage Super-Cor construction keeps highway traffic moving at Windsor, NS
- AIL Buried Metal Bridges & Tunnels Planning & Resource Guide
- Super-Cor Box Culvert stream crossing, Vernon, BC
- Super-Cor Box Culvert replacement bridge, Mutton Bay, NL
- Super-Cor Arch with MSE Walls, Edmonton, AB
- Ultra-Cor: the world’s strongest structural steel plate
- Ultra-Cor Arch Grade Separation, Corner Brook, NL
- Super-Cor Grade Separation with MSE Walls, Deer Lake, NL
- Coated Super-Cor replaces failing concrete structure at John’s Brook, NL
- MSE Retaining Walls support Calgary’s TCH/Bowfort Interchange
- Coated Super-Cor Box Culvert replaces failing concrete structure at Trepassey, NL
- Edmonton Highway Interchange MSE Walls
- AIL Sound Walls Finish Levels Brochure
- Dur-A-Span Aluminum Box Culvert, Trinity Bay, NL
- Dur-A-Span Aluminum Pipe Arch, Maddox Cove, NL
- Super-Cor stream crossing for Calgary development
- AIL designs Buried Metal Bridges to be resilient to climate change
- Super-Cor Grade Separation, Come By Chance, NL
- Dur-A-Span Aluminum Box Culvert, Straight Shore, NL
- Bolt-A-Plate active transportation tunnels, Calgary, AB
- Bolt-A-Plate Culvert Replacement, Highway 4, Yukon
- Super-Cor Highway Underpass, Pasadena, NL
- Dur-A-Span Box Culvert, Little Heart’s Ease, NL
- Dur-A-Span Box Culvert, Jean de Baie, NL
- Twin Dur-A-Span Box Culverts, Main Point, NL
- Super-Cor Underpass, Conception Bay South, NL
- Dur-A-Span Box Culvert, Summerford, NL
- Super-Cor Bridge Replacement, Tweed, ON
- MSE Precast Panel Wall Bridge Abutments, Sooke, BC
- Super-Cor Stream Crossing, Port Alberni, BC
- Muskrat Pond Trail Bridge, Terra Cotta Conservation Area, ON
- Madoc Creek Super-Cor Box Culvert, Madoc, ON
- Kiwanis Park Bridge Abutments, London, ON
- Electrical substation sound barrier wall, Saint John, NB
- FedEx Logistics Centre Sound Barrier Wall, Sydney, NS
- Bolt-A-Plate Stream Crossing, Mission, BC
- Super-Cor Low Profile Arch, Kelowna, BC
- PROJECT UPDATE: Ultra-Cor wildlife overpass near Canmore, AB
- Hi-Flo HDPE Uno Flex / Uno Flex HD – Single Wall Pipe Product Sheet
- Hi-Flo HDPE Uno Flex – Single Wall Pipe Technical Sheet
- Hi-Flo HDPE Duo – Double Wall Pipe Product Sheet
- Hi-Flo HDPE Duo – Double Wall Pipe Technical Sheet
- Ultra-Cor Arch, Holland Creek, Ladysmith, BC
- Ultra-Cor Arch, Swan Creek, CFB Gagetown, NB
- Hi-Flo HDPE Duo Tite – Bell End Double Wall Pipe Technical Sheet
- Hi-Flo HDPE Duo Tite – Bell End Double Wall Pipe Product Sheet
- Ultra-Cor Underpass, TCH Exit 41, St. John’s, NL
- Super-Cor Box Culvert, Little Catalina, NL
- Twin Bolt-A-Plate Culvert Replacements, Come by Chance River, NL
- Bolt-A-Plate Round Replacement, Conception Bay South, NL
- Taking Action on Sustainability Brochure
- Bolt-A-Plate Culvert Replacement, Hodgewater Line, NL
- AILSF90/120 Silt Fence Technical Data Sheet
- AIL4NC Non-Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- AIL4N Non-Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- AIL6N Non-Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- AIL8N Non-Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- AIL5XW Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- AIL6XW Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- AIL90 High-Performance Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- AIL100 High-Performance Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- AIL120 High-Performance Woven Geotextile Technical Data Sheet
- UPDATE: Ultra-Cor Arch, Holland Creek, Ladysmith, BC
- Technical Bulletin: Nonwoven and Woven Geotextiles
- PROJECT UPDATE: Bow Valley Gap Wildlife Overpass near Canmore, AB
- Engineering Success for 60 Years
- Two-Flange Tunnel Liner Plate Brochure
- Super-Cor Box Culvert River Crossing near Thunder Bay, ON
- MSE Precast Panel Walls, Highway 14 Interchange, Sooke, BC
- Geotextile Reinforced Soil (GRS) Bridge, Port Alberni, BC
- Super-Cor Bridge Replacement, Little Catalina, NL
- Dur-A-Span GRS Bridge, North Saanich, BC
- Super-Cor Box Culvert with Steel Sheet Piling Walls, Thunder Bay, ON
- Two-Flange Tunnel Liner Plate Technical Data Sheet
- AIL’s fast work replaces culverts washed out by Igor
- AIL acquires leading sound wall company
- AIL Group renovates heritage building for new office
- AIL Sound Walls chosen for NA30 Valleyfield, QC highway project
- Canada building on Europe’s success with Polymer Coated Plate
- Armstrong, BC employees recognized for years of service
- AIL marks 50 years in business
- MTO strengthens requirements for structural plate suppliers
- Cross-Canada 50th Anniversary Tour was a success
- AIL employees support Fort McMurray wildfire relief
- Algonquin Bridge opens new facility
- Hope to see you at TAC 2017
- Urban and Northern Solutions featured at TAC 2018, in Saskatoon
- AIL to showcase latest innovations at GeoEdmonton 2018
- See our efficient bridging solutions at SMSB, Quebec City
- Keaton Hicks covers Northern Ontario for Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
- Randy McDonald joins AIL as our National Structural Plate Engineer
- Our new Kenora, Ontario location opens late Spring, 2019
- World’s largest structural plate arch is made from AIL’s Ultra•Cor
- Atlantic Industries Limited recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies
- Atlantic Industries Limited receives award at Canada’s Best Managed Companies Gala in Toronto
- AIL wins Opportunities NB Innovative Exporter of the Year Award
- AIL Kenora hosts Grand Opening Open House
- The AIL Group sells Big R Bridge to Contech Engineered Solutions
- AIL re-qualifies as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for 2020
- Carbon Footprint Calculator compares Corrugated Steel Pipe to Reinforced Concrete Pipe
- AIL re-qualifies as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for 2021
- Jason Sherwood named President and CEO of Atlantic Industries Limited
- Terry Dunn becomes VP Sales, Atlantic Canada for Atlantic Industries Limited
- The AIL Group wins Canada’s Best Managed Companies Gold Standard by re-qualifying for the fourth consecutive year.
- The AIL Group maintains Canada’s Best Managed Companies Gold Standard by re-qualifying for the fifth consecutive year.
- The AIL Group of Companies certified as a Great Place to Work®
- AIL wins three NCSPA Project of the Year awards for Ultra-Cor projects
- The AIL Group maintains Canada’s Best Managed Companies Gold Standard by requalifying for the sixth consecutive year.
- AIL’s Hi-Flo HDPE Double Wall Pipe products earn CSA Certification
- Westlock, Alberta facility latest to go solar in AIL Group’s drive to be net zero by 2050
- AIL marks 60 years in business
- Cyd Brandvein and Sean Weir join The AIL Group of Companies’ Advisory Committee